Being a body conscious yet a certified foodie, it's sometimes hard to delve into my suppose to be dietary plan. It's always an effort for me to say no to belly fattening foods. I have to cut on my rice intake but salivate at the sight of cupcakes and salted caramel cakes and reassure myself that it's just a snack. The truth is, It's hard when you get hungry
all the time and then I decided to get a substitute to my sweet cravings with
something that is very beneficial to my body and hungry stomach..
So for today's recipe, is really quick and easy to make not to mention that it is loaded with health benefits and nutrients perfect for a daily snack. Tuna Avocado salad is never actually new because you can find the recipe all over the net. The main reason why I choose this is because I love tuna and avocado contains different vitamins, phytonutrients and minerals and avocados are rich in fiber!